Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stay focused!

Have I ever discussed that I'm a bit all over the place.  My husband is constently telling me to "stay focused Leeanne".  He's so right and that's why I love him.  That being said I have a few all over the place pics of different projects.
started as this $7. Potential right?  My girlfriend looks at me when I bought it and shakes her head.
Cute now, a bit of paint some sanding.  $7 now $65 at the shop.
Now here's the all over the place.  I am a crafty painter at heart so still with a recycle, reuse theme, more of a cutsy crafty thing.
I'm going to teach a class with my painting group in Jan. I belong to the White Mountain Decorative Painting Guild.  Great painters and very inspiring.  I have enjoyed the cutsy decorative painting thing, but I can feel myself moving more toward doing the furniture and repurposing.  Had some more items my camera battery died.  So until next time.  Enjoy!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted

Really sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I will get back in the swing.  Just had to take my craft room apart because of a leaking oil tank.  Found out last week when we just got a full tank of oil.  Anyway getting it back together and probably a blessing.  I needed to rearrange and regroup anyway.  Well hope everyone is well and getting ready to enjoy family for Thanksgiving.  Be back soon with some new cute projects.